Proceedings in series from the 1st International Scientific Conference of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers organized in Rimske Toplice, Slovenia, from 18 to 20 May 2017.
Inter Alia 3
In Search of the Elusive ESP Methodology
ISBN 978-961-91069-5-2
Editor: Slavica Čepon
Inter Alia 4
ESP in Higher Education: Between Terminology, Discourse and Corpus Research
ISBN 978-961-91069-6-9
Editor: Mateja Dostal
Inter Alia 5
Fachbezogener Fremdsprachenunterricht – aktuelle Herausforderungen und zukünftige Chancen
ISBN 978-961-91069-7-6
Editor: Brigita Kacjan
Inter Alia 6
Linguaggi specialistici nell’ottica di alcuni progetti internazionali – pluralità di proposte e di approcci
ISBN 978-961-91069-8-3
Editor: Nives Lenassi